Gazoop Blog

4 Reasons Why Your Taxi Business Needs a Taxi Website

As a taxi business owner, you need to do all you can to ensure that you are staying on top of the rest and receiving as much new business as possible. That's why, in this technological era, a strong online presence is yet another excellent way for any taxi company to accomplish more than they ever could have before. Many companies are still hesitant to embrace the online possibilities, but here are 4 reasons why your taxi business needs a specialized taxi website that uses the Gazoop template.

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3 Ways to Make Your Taxi Business More Successful

As a taxi business owner, you want your taxi services to be on the tip of everyone's tongue. Not only that, but you want the public to praise your fleets, your dispatchers to work tirelessly without any mistakes, and your cabbies to provide service with a smile. These are lofty ambitions, but if anyone can do it, it's you and your taxi business - and the Gazoop team is here to help with 3 pro strategies to make your taxi business more successful!

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Welcome to the New Gazoop (Formerly iWebCab)!

Does something look a little different around here? Well, the best international taxi dispatch service just got better with a sleeker webpage, exciting policy changes, and an update to our mobile app that offers new options for each one of our taxi fleet customers. Now more than ever, we are ready to work alongside you and provide you with the best taxi dispatch services that are necessary to grow your business and stay sharp!

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Taxis and Technology: A Closer Look

Here’s another reason to feel sorry for your parents: they had to get a taxi the old-fashioned way – without using technology! Let’s compare how mom and dad used taxi services compared to iWebCab’s modern methods (and if your parents are still using these outdated approaches to grab a cab, please do them a favor and bring them back up to speed!).

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