Data Providers - Card Processors - What are the different options to process payments for my business?

Card processors

Gazoop works together with many providers that can help you process your customer's payments to your own business. The following paragraph will give a list of all providers with a brief explanation for each. Please note that you can only have one credit card processor at a time.

  • Stripe - You will need to connect to your Stripe account. Please click the blue Connect with stripe-button in AdminData ProvidersCard ProcessorsStripe.
  • Worldpay - You will need to provide your Worldpay Merchant Code, Worldpay Password, Worldpay Installation ID and choose your Worldpay Mode - Live or Test. More information can be found on the worldpay website.
  • - You will need to provide your Login ID and your Transaction Key. More information can be found on the website.
  • PayPal Payflow Pro - You will need to provide your PayFlowPro Partner, Vendor, username and password. More information can be found on the Payflow Payment Gateway Service.
  • In Vehicle POS - No settings needed - you will use your own system to accept payments.