How do I grant Remote Access to the Gazoop Team?

To grant Gazoop access to your account you must explicitly approve this by specifying an access expiration date within your account. To do this, you must first go to "My Account":

Then click "View My Privacy Settings and Subscriptions":

Scroll to "Gazoop Access to My Account" and read the text in full, once in agreement, select an appropriate duration for account access, and hit "Update My Privacy Settings" 

You can revoke access from Gazoop Staff at any time by adjusting your Grant Gazoop Access for option to "Do NOT Grant Access" - this will automatically destroy any remote sessions and prevent Gazoop access to your account.

All access by Gazoop staff is fully logged and monitored, however, it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure access is revoked and approved. Gazoop is not responsible for any unauthorised access, granting access is at your own risk.